Before I did anything or went anywhere, I needed to set up my domicile. I decided to make Florida “home” because it is closer to family and Florida was home once, so it’s a comfortable change. Having no income tax as well as no vehicle inspections were a plus, so Sunshine State, here I come.
MyRVMail is my mail service provider. They work with snowbirds, full-time RV’ers, and military personnel to provide a physical address for those of us who are always on the road. Their basic package essentially provides a PO box with the added bonus that they let you know you have received a piece of mail and from whom as well as forwarding services. I pay extra for their premium service which takes a picture of the piece of mail so I can see what I’ve actually received.
You can also avail yourself of other add-on services. If you aren’t sure you want a piece of mail forwarded, you can authorize them to open the mail and scan in each page. There is, of course, an added cost to this. If you know you don’t need the piece of mail you can have them shred it. If you do need the mail, you can have it forwarded to you.
After setting up MyRVMail and obtaining the piece of paper that proves my address, I headed over to the tax office to get my driver’s license, my tag & registration, and to register to vote. Altogether, it took about half an hour (and many hundreds of dollars) but was otherwise relatively painless.
I am now a citizen of the state of Florida!

Unlike other domicile setups and mail services (like Americas Mailbox) I did not have to stay overnight at a particular location. I ended up staying at Conecuh National Forest which is in southern Alabama. It’s just over the border from Florida. I spent a lovely weekend there waiting for MyRVMail to open up on Monday. Though there was no signal, the campground was beautiful. I spent $16 per night to stay. Now that I know I can get a discount with the America the Beautiful pass from the National Parks, I will be sure to get the pass for future stays.

Now that I’m set up, I can now hit the road! Hope to see you out there!