Over the next eight days, I will be traveling the East Coast of the United States. This trip is my first foray into the minimalist movement – not only in items I am carrying but also in the amount of money I will be spending (I don’t have much). I will be carrying one backpack with all the belongings I think I need for this trip.
- one skirt
- one pair leggings
- two tank tops
- one dress blouse
- one lightweight sweater
- one pair nice shoes
- 5 pairs underthings
- 5 pairs socks
- toiletries
- smartphone
- headphones
- Kindle Fire
- Surface Pro
- charging cables for the above
- two battery banks
- various miscellany
- munchies/water bottle
All of this fit into a single laptop/business backpack.
I will be wearing/carrying
- one pair jeans
- one tank top
- one sleeveless vest
- tennis shoes
- Misfit Shine
- lightweight jacket
This trip will primarily be on Megabus, the super inexpensive bus company found here in The States and in parts of Europe. Though I did not score a $1 trip, I do have multiple $10 trips with more expensive legs for the times I had to travel on peak itineraries. My trip takes me from
- Atlanta to DC
- DC to NYC
- NYC to Boston
- Boston to Cape Cod
- Cape Cod to Boston
- Boston to DC
- DC to Atlanta
Cost? Less than $150. I have worked it out so I do not need to rent a hotel room during any part of the trip. I will be staying with friends and family when not sleeping on overnight hauls.
I will be exhausted by the time it is over, but at the moment, I’m super stoked. Check back here for updates throughout the trip!